Friday, April 14, 2023

Calender Of Event Wisata Kota Semarang Bulan Mei 2023

Libur lebaran? Tenang, tetap ada event dan festival di Semarang! Beberapa event festival menarik khas Semarang siap menemani libur lebaranmu. Ada Wayang On The Street, Festival Kreo, Sesaji Rewanda dan Pawai Budaya Ogoh - Ogoh Tuh udah Parmin rangkum secara lengkap lho. Dijamin seru banget. Dan kamu bisa set reminder dulu. Wis genah liburanmu tidak kesepian #KoncoDolan nunggu yang mana nih? Jangan lupa like, komen n share ya! #wondefulindonesia #pesonaindonesia #banggaberwisatadiindonesia #appi2023 #eventdaerah #april #eventkotasemarang #disbudparkotasemarang #ayowisatakesemarang #festivalkreo2023 #sesajirewanda #mahakaryalegendagoakreo2023 #wayangonthestreet #calenderofeventapril #festivalsemarang #koncodolan

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Video Kreatif BBWI Destinasi Wisata Kota Semarang , Indonesia

Kota Semarang terus menunjukkan jati dirinya sebagai Destinasi Wisata Utama di Indonesia. Bukan hanya Kota Lama yang semakin populer, Kota Semarang memiliki beragam daya taruk yang keren dan sangat direkomendasikan untuk dikunjungi. Desa Wisata Kandri salah satunya. Berada di wilayah Semarang atas, Desa Wisata Kandri kaya akan atraksi wisata alam dan budaya. Monyet Ekor Panjang menjadi suguhan atraksi yang sangat menarik dipadu dengan aktifitas pemacu adrenalin yaitu menaiki speedboad untuk menikmati keindahan alam Waduk Jatibarang Keragaman Atraksi Desa Wisata Kandri semakin lengkap dengan puluhan paket wisata yang dibuat untuk wisata edukasi bagi anak - anak. Mulai melukis caping, menanam padi, bermain outbound di sawah sampai atraksi mencabut singkong menjadi andalan desa wisata ini. Tak salah Jika Desa Wisata Kandri Memegang Julukan Jawara Paket Wisata Tahun 2022. Bagi wisatawan yang ingin menikmati suasana pedesaan, disediakan homestay yang dikelola oleh warga lokal yang sudah terlatih. Interaksi dengan pemilik homestay akan menambah pengalaman tersendiri. Tata Kelola Desa Wisata Kandri tak diragukan lagi karena sudah mendapatkan sertifikat desa wisata berkelanjutan dari kemenparekraf. Sangat keren bukan? jangan ditunda lagi, Ayo Wisata ke Kota Semarang sebagai bentuk partisipasi kebangkitan pariwisata dan bangga berwisata di Indonesia saja

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Atraksi Ekowisata "Air Mata Mantan" Hutan Wisata Tinjomoyo Siap Dibuka

Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang, Indriyasari, SE atau lebih dikenal dengan nama IIN melaunching atraksi baru yaitu Jalur Tracking Air Mata Mantan. Atraksi ini dikembangkan sebagai implementasi perubahan konsep pengembangan dari Hutan Wisata menjadi Ekowisata Hutan. Sebelum diresmikan, Karis selaku Kepala Seksi Destinasi Melaporkan bahwa Gagasan Inovasi Pengembangan Hutan Tinjomoyo menjadi Kawasan Ekowisata didasari kekayaan hutan tinjomoyo akan plasma nuftah, keanekaragaman hayati, Sumber Oksigen dan daerah Resapan Air sehingga keberadaannya harus di lestarikan untuk menyangga kehidupan masyarakat Kota Semarang. Dengan konsep ekowisata maka partisipasi masyarakat sangat diperlukan dalam rangka menjaga dan sejkaligus dapat menikmati keberadaan hutan tinjomoyo.

Gagasan ini didukung oleh Kepala Bidang Industri Pariwisata, Syamsul Bahri Siregar, SH, MM yang menyatakan bahwa Pembangunan Tinjomoyo ke depan harus di dukung infratruktur yang memadai sehingga akan di usulkan dalam anggaran Dana Alokasi Khusus Kementerian Pariwisata. Sementara, Indriyasari, SE saat meresmikan Jalur Tracking Air mata mantan yang diikuti oleh peserta dari seluruh asosiasi kepariwisataan di Kota Semarang melalui Vidcon Zoom Meeting, dan juga disiarkan secara live melalui instagram disbudparkota semarang menyatakan mendukung penuh konsep dan gagasan inovasi ini dan berpesan agar mensinkronkan dengan rencana pembangunan yang sudah ada sebelumnya dengan penyesuaian-penyesuaian sesuai konsep pengembangan yang baru.
Setelah acara peresmian selesai, karis selaku Kepala Seksi Destinasi Pariwisata Pada Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Semarang menceritakan lebih detail tentang konsep pengembangan jalur tracking air mata mantan. 
Jalur Tracking Air Mata Mantan adalah sebuah jalur ekowisata menyusuri lebatnya hutan tinjomomoyo dengan titik start di Pohon Beringin Cinta dan titik Destination di Top Selfie Air Mata Mantan. Dalam perjalanan dari titik start sampai titik destination menyusuri hutan, Pemandu Wisata akan menjelaskan beberapa fenomena alam yang terjadi di Ekowisata Hutan Tinjomoyo terkait Fungsi Hutan Tinjomoyo :
  1. Sumber Oksigen sehingga dijuluki “Paru – Parunya nya kota Semarang”
  2. Sumber Plasma Nuftah dan Keanekaragaman hayati dengan keberadaan berbagai jenis flora dan fauna
  3. Daerah Resapan Air sehingga menopang  kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat semarang bawah sebagai sumber kehidupan
Agar dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik maka perlu dilakukan usaha – usaha konservasi dan kepedulian masyarakat dan pengunjung. Penjelasan proses fenomena alam dan kaitan satu proses dengan yang lain untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi hutan inilah merupakan core atau inti dari atraksi ekowisata “air mata mantan”

Dinamakan air mata mantan karena jalur ini ditemukan berawal dari penyusuran mencari air bersih untuk meningkatkan pelayanan wisatawan di Hutan Tinjomoyo. Perjalanan tersebut menyusuri hutan menuju Mata Air yang dahulu pernah dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan (mantan) Bonbin Tinjomoyo. Dalam penyusuran tersebut ditemukan fenomena alam yang luar biasa yaitu pipa – pipa yang digunakan untuk mengalirkan air dari mata air ke (mantan) bonbin selalu patah terkena longsoran di suatu lereng yang agak terjal sehingga setiap kali hujan lebat terjadi longsor maka suply air akan terhenti dan petugas akan berjalan menyusuri hutan untuk memperbaiki pipa – pipa tersebut.. Membayangkan betapa beratnya jalur yang dilalui para petugas pengairan  melalui  jalur tersebut sampai tak terasa meneteskan air mata .. ibarat air mata mantan yang selalu rindu namun harus rela melepaskan :]
Sehingga tempat longsoran yang mematahkan pipa pipa tersebut dinamakan top selfie air mata mantan sedangkan jalur trekking untuk menuju ke sana disebut jalur trekking Air Mata Mantan

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Broken (Berkley Sensation) By Shiloh Walker

Product Description

The national bestselling author of Fragile returns with a luscious new blend of sex and suspense.

Quinn Rafferty is working as a bounty hunter for a private detective agency in St. Louis when a new neighbor catches his eye. He's drawn to her-but he has his own soul to mend before he can worry about anyone else.

Sarah McElyea is on the run, but not for the usual reasons a woman goes on the lam. She has a plan for her future. And as much as she finds herself attracted to her gruff, tough neighbor, she can't risk telling him the secrets she's hiding.

But Quinn must get closer to Sarah when she turns out to be the target of his new missing persons case, and both Quinn and Sarah will have to expose their true feelings-as well as their fragile hearts-if their love is to survive.

Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #2897 in Books
Published on: 2010-03-02
Original language: English
Number of items: 1
Binding: Paperback
336 pages
ISBN13: 9780425232415
Condition: NEW
Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
Editorial Reviews

About the Author
Shiloh Walker lives with her family in Indiana.
Customer Reviews

4.5 Stars
I have heard about the greatness of Shiloh Walker all over twitterverse for a while now.... but my time has been limited and being that urban fantasy is really my favorite genre, I had put her books low on my list. When the opportunity to join the ARC tour sponsored by the Book Vixen, I jumped at the chance! Thus my Shiloh Walker virginity is gone and I was oh so wrong to wait so long!
Sara is on the run, tho we don't find out why til the very end. I found myself assuming she was on the run because her husband was abusive, the snippet flashbacks point to that. Yet, everything we see of her personality led me to think there was something else going on. She is a fighter, she didn't seem like the running type. These contradictions had me invested in her character from the start. I love a good strong female lead who can be strong yet maintain her compassion and femininity and Shiloh Walker gives us that in Sara.

Quinn. I could say so much about this man, but the easiest thing to say? Wow. Somehow Walker crawled inside my head and created a man I couldn't help but drool over. He is broken, tormented, wounded. He is protective and strong, but still respectful of Sara as a person. He is so emotional within his own head, but expressing it was next to impossible. Somehow Walker makes this fault both endearing and lovable.

I loved the plot of Broken, great twists that I didn't see coming! I did wish for a bit more action throughout the story, but I am not sure it would have fit in and that doesn't keep me from loving this book. The development of the relationship between Quinn and Sara was certainly strong enough to carry the story. It was passionate and desperate in all the ways we book sluts love. One of my favorite dialogue scenes from the start of their relationship:

>>Sara cocked a brow at him. "Didn't you tell me a few days ago I'd be better off keeping my distance from you?"
>>"Yeah, I told you that."
>>"Hard to do if you come looking for me."
>>Quinn shrugged. "I don't see you walking away."
>>"I was here first," she said pointedly.

But what really gets me about this book is the smokin hot sex appeal of Quinn and his mouth. He talks at all the right times, and I love it. For a man who claims to not know how to flirt, he sure picks it up quickly.

>>Raking his teeth over the soft skin of her wrist, he said gruffly, "You really shouldn't look at me like that in a public place, Sara."
>>"Look at you how?" she asked, her voice almost as hoarse as his own. She blinked at him, looking a little dazed.

This book is not in a series, per say, but it is related to the previous book Fragile which features Quinn's brother Luke. I will be picking Fragile up without question. Broken is an excellent read for any romance reader and Shiloh Walker is definitely going on my "must buy" list of authors!

Emotional, Sensual, and Suspenseful Story
As the story opens Ms. Walker gives readers a look at what Quinn Rafferty's, life was like as a frightened child who lived with a physically and verbally abusive alcoholic and drug addicted mother. Trapped in the depth of poverty and despair he seeks refuge from time to time at the local youth shelter for an occasional meal and a place to sleep. When his mother dies of an overdose, Quinn's father is finally contacted and he goes to live with him and his twin brother Luke on a ranch. Patrick Rafferty is a good man and does his best with his very angry, at times belligerent, and emotionally damaged son.

Fast forward 20 years and Quinn is an Army Ranger on a mission in Columbia dealing with the tragic loss under horrific circumstances of a woman he loved. Quinn blames himself for the circumstances surrounding her death. When he finishes his tour with the military he settles in St. Louis for a time and takes work as a bail bondsman with a private detective agency. Quinn has tremendous emotional baggage, he doesn't trust people easily, has difficulty communicating and after losing the woman he loved in Columbia has not become involved in a relationship. He has however been befriended by Theresa Kingston, a lovely older woman who owns a house in a decent part of town with a basement apartment that Quinn rents.

Sara Davis's life is in chaos, on the run for 2 years from James Morgan a wealthy, despicable, violent man who takes pleasure in controlling, beating and threatening the women in his life. Sara has nothing but the clothes on her back and the cash she earns from a job waiting tables. She is constantly on the move, living from day to day waiting for the call from a mystery caller who gives a report and signals it's time to move on again. Theresa befriends Sara too and after some impassioned discussion persuades her to rent the upper flat in her house. This is where Sara meets Quinn and there is an instantaneous sexual attraction that flares and combusts between them.

Neither of these people give their trust easily nor are they looking for a relationship. Quinn is a member of humanity's walking wounded, and Sara is constantly wary, ready to take flight from her tormentor at a moment's notice. Quinn finds communication about himself or his feelings a painful exercise, but something about Sara makes talking easier for him.

Quinn and Sara cannot resist their mutual attraction and after some awkward first 'chats' and encounters they become intimate. I found both of these characters to be very lonely and in need of the company and warmth of another human being as much as a physical relationship. The sensuality that Ms. Walker pens into the love scenes between Quinn and Sara is intense and lovely. Neither of these people share their secrets but they connect through touch, a look, quiet conversation and making love. Their relationship intensifies and just as Quinn feels ready to admit his strong feelings for Sara her phone rings signaling that she must flee once more, forcing her to leave him behind.

Sara doesn't know what Quinn does for a living and right at the time of her call, he learns something unexpected and devastating about Sara, a woman he has come to love. This leads to a heartbreaking scene where both suffer loss of trust in the other. I was left wondering how Ms. Walker was going to resolve what seemed like insurmountable issues and bring the hero and heroine of this story together.

Ms. Walker pens a surprising plot twist and climax to Quinn and Sara's story that was thrilling as well as suspenseful. At the end of the day, I wasn't disappointed.

I found Broken to be an emotional, sensual, suspenseful contemporary romance about two lost and quite tortured souls who find each other and happiness. If you enjoy Shiloh Walker's work or a novel with this type of theme you may like to give "Broken" a try. I know I will read this book again and can't wait to read "Fragile".

Damaged and Broken Hero Finds Love (B- Grade)
Whenever I read a Shiloh Walker story, I'm blown away how angsty and scarred yet overwhelmingly sexy her heroes are. She writes these men, who have alpha like tendencies, but underneath their bravado, have fears and self esteem issues, where they feel they'll never be good enough to be loved. Shiloh always makes sure her men get their happily ever after with their heroines, who also need love in their lives. In Broken, Quinn Rafferty is a lost soul. He grew up with a drug addicted mother who treated him like garbage. Because he was thought of as trash, that's what he feels like. When his mother dies of a drug overdose, his father and a twin brother he never knew of welcome him into their family. But still, Quinn doesn't feel he belongs.

Twenty years later he still feels unworthy, alone, and doesn't have much to live for. He's depressed, closed off and refuses to trust anyone. Quinn's job as a bounty hunter for a detective agency gives him freedom and some fulfillment, where he takes down those who hurt and abuse those they should love and cherish. But at the same time he feels it's a lost cause.

Sara Davis is on the run and in hiding. She moves around to keep a stalker off her trail and tried to stay under the radar. Her new home for the next few months is in St. Louis where she has met a very kind soul in that of Theresa Kingston, who reminds her of Mrs. Claus. Theresa helps those in need, especially women that have been abused. She assumes Sara is one of these unfortunate souls and gives her a safe haven. Theresa also has another tenant who keeps to himself. And when Quinn meets Sara, more than sparks fly between the two. It's like the second half of his soul that has always been missing has now been located.

Sara is wary of Quinn because he gives off this cold, don't mess with me vibe. But something about him speaks to her. Now you'd think Sara would keep her distance from a man like Quinn because of the current situation she's in. But because he's a "wounded warrior" who wears a mask, much like the one she wears, she finds a connection with her brooding neighbor and against her better judgment welcomes him into her life. And the moment Sara opens her arms to Quinn, there's no going back for these two. The horrors and shadows that haunt them disappear and Sara is able to break though Quinn's tough shell. Quinn shares his past with Sara and expects her to do the same. He knows she's hiding something and wants to help her. But her time is running out and she can't get too comfortable. She must leave Quinn, even though she knows it may destroy him.

Soon Sara is on the run again, but this time Quinn is on her heels because his next bounty is finding a missing woman, who happens to be Sara. He must bring her back to the one man who has driven her into hiding and may end up killing her.

Broken is the perfect title for this latest release by Shiloh Walker. Quinn and Sara are broken in their own ways. I can't help but compare these two like a puzzle. When they come together and click, like two pieces of a puzzle, they make an amazing couple. I loved how Quinn went from this lonely, standoffish man to a very giving and caring individual who finds peace and with a woman like Sara who can see how special he is. These two really connect on a deep emotional level that brings forth a lot of sparks and passion. And Shiloh can sure write some steamy sex scenes! These two crackle together. And when Quinn thinks of how starved he is for Sara, you really feel it. These two are very intense and oh so very good in terms of physical attraction.

I really appreciated the nice twist in regards to Sara and who she's running from and why. Unfortunately, I gave Broken a lower grade because I found the villain too tame and not scary or psycho enough. I wanted more drama and tension, especially when Sara confront this monster. Because there wasn't that final dramatic push, the ending fell a bit short for me. I also wanted more fireworks, mainly in regards to Quinn and Sara's reunion.

Even with the lacking ending, I found Broken to be a pretty sold read. How can you not enjoy reading a damaged hero who finds inner peace with a strong, tough cookie heroine who won't cower from those who feel they have the right to abuse the weak? Fans of Shiloh's will want to give Broken a read.


Kindred In Death By J.D. Robb

Product Description

In 2060, Lieutenant Eve Dallas searches the backstreets of New York City for a dastardly and despicable criminal in the newest novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author J.D. Robb.

Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #950 in Books
Published on: 2010-03-30
Released on: 2010-03-30
Original language: English
Number of items: 1
Binding: Paperback
400 pages
Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly
New York City law officers have more technological weapons at their disposal in bestseller Robb's snappy near-future series, but so do criminals, including the sadistic rapist killer who strikes down Deena MacMasters, the 16-year-old daughter of police captain Jonah MacMasters, in the 30th full-length novel to feature homicide detective Lt. Eve Dallas (after Promises in Death). MacMasters specifically asks that Dallas, who has a knack for clever insights and deductions, lead the investigation into his daughter's murder. An impressive team of professionals—augmented by Dallas's husband, Roarke, and his young protégé, Jaime Lingstrom—begins the arduous task of collecting and analyzing data. Clues suggest Deena may not be the only victim targeted by her killer and increase the pressure on Dallas and her cohorts. Robb (aka Nora Roberts) combines sex, horrific crime, forensics and technological wizardry for another winner sure to please her many fans. (Nov.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

About the Author
J. D. Robb is the pseudonym for a number-one New York Times-bestselling author of more than 170 novels, including the futuristic suspense In Death series. There are more than 300 million copies of her books in print.

From AudioFile
Susan Ericksen is outstanding in her performance of this latest edition in the futuristic In Death series. Eve Dallas, kick-ass cop for the NYPSD, must find out who is murdering innocent family members of officials who were involved in a routine case 20 years earlier. Well-acted, with each voice distinct and perfect for the character portrayed, this production is the best offering in the series to date. The story is clever, with more depth and more emotion, both sentimental and humorous, and Ericksen leaves no doubt that she's at the top of her game. This is what every audiophile searches for in an audio experience. Masterful and not to be missed. A.C.P. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award © AudioFile 2009, Portland, Maine
Customer Reviews

A new breathtaking and horrible case - the series just get's better and better!!!
The horrible rape/murder of young and innocent Deena, daughter of Captain Jonah McMasters, shocks the whole NYPD. Instead of enjoying some much needed time with Roarke Eve has to deal with one of her worst cases.
It's soon clear to her that Deena was just means to an end and that her unspeakable suffering was a way to take revenge against her father, who's head of the NYPD drug squad.
Eve and her team work 24 hours to solve the case because they know that killing Deena was only the first act. Searching in McMasters past brings them closer to the killer but not near enough to prevent a second horrible rape/murder. Now it's up to Eve and her team to outwit the murderer and rescue his next victims.

"Kindred in Death" is an awesome book but it was still hard to read for me. The murders are just so brutal and horrible and because I'm a big sissy I had to force myself to read through the really bad parts. The book plays within a few days but there are so many bad things happening that it seems longer. The search for the killer is breathtaking and I couldn't lay the book down before they finally had him.
One thing was clear after the first few pages. There will never be justice for the torture, rape and murder of an innocent, young girl and of a bride just days before her wedding. Sometimes life just sucks and to accept it is not always easy.

The books focuses mainly on the case but there are still some private and funny moments (thank god for that). I especially enjoyed reading about the preparations for the upcoming wedding of Charles and Louise. Of course Eve doesn't understand or even cares about all the small details regarding the wedding and it's so funny when she has to deal with them. But still she is a loyal and good friend for Louise when it come's to the important things (even if it means that she has to deal with Trina).
Roarke is like he is 99% of the time - just perfect. He and Summerset are very affected by the murders because they remind them of what Marlena had to endure. Roarke works hard to help Eve deal with the case and her own memories.
For the first time in the series Eve seems to get a better handle on her violent and disturbing dreams. She realizes that compared to Deena she was lucky enough to be able to defend herself against her father. Because of that she finally seems to understand that killing her father was not bad at all. To be honest I had to cry when reading this scene because it's something I wished for Eve to realize for so long.
It's also nice to meet Jamie Lingstrom again and to see how his life has changed. He's still so sure about being a cop after college. I guess this time Roarke will have to accept defeat because he just can't lure Jamie with his money.

So all in all "Kindred in Death" is an awesome book and J.D. Robb continues to amaze me. Even after 30 books the series just get's better and better and is never boring or just average.
But still I'm very relieved that "Fantasy in Death" (coming January, 2010) will deal with a different kind of murder.

Excellent (though grim) installment in a first-rate series.
KINDRED IN DEATH is an excellent (though grim) installment in a first-rate series, one of the best ongoing mystery series I know. This is not a book for the faint-of-heart; the details of the crimes are hard to take, though they are not excessive. J. D. Robb never indulges in gore or cruelty for gore's or cruelty's sake. Nothing is here that is not necessary to the evolution of the plot, the development of the characters, and the telling of the tale.

With each installment, Robb further deepens our understanding of the character of Lt. Eve Dallas, her husband Roarke, the other police detectives with whom she works, and the other regular characters. I don't know how she does it, but she manages to do it with subtlety and skill. Sometimes it takes just a small detail inserted in just the right place to open up a whole unexpected dimension of a character.

Of course this review won't give away any plot elements. Suffice it to say that the title makes good sense when the last page is turned; that the plot is eminently fair; and that Robb both obeys and honors the late Isaac Asimov's rules for mystery and detective stories set in the future. In fact, Asimov would admire these books.

All in all, a deeply satisfying book and an excellent addition to an excellent series.

Deja Vu
I am a major "In Death" fan. That being said, I must confess slight disappointment in the latest installment. The brutality was disturbing, but I can deal with that. My first criricism is the shortage of what I call "normal" scenes, e.g. run-ins with Summerset, funny encounters with McNab, Peabody, Mavis, etc. Even Eve's scene with the terrifying Trina was too brief. The book deals with a truly monstrous killer; that's why it needs more lightening up, not less.

My major criticism is that the central core of the story and motivation is too similar to that of Survivor in Death.

One aspect of the series that has always bothered me is that we generally do not learn of the fates of previous killers once Eve arrests them. JDR does a bit better with that in this book, mentioning the status of the previous book's villain. I guess I'm just bloodthirsty, and I'd really like to see some of the perps (like the killers of Nixie's family in Survivor in Death) suffer in a major way! I would like to see this book's bad guys go through a wood chipper! But that's just me.

How to kiss with passion: The secret to kissing

Burning Lamp (An Arcane Society Novel) By Amanda Quick

Product Description

In this second novel of the Dreamlight Trilogy from New York Times-bestselling author Amanda Quick, psychic power and passion collide as a legendary curse comes to a burn...

The Arcane Society was born in turmoil when the friendship of its two founders evolved into a fierce rivalry. Nicholas Winters's efforts led to the creation of a device of unknown powers called the Burning Lamp. Each generation of male descendents who inherits it is destined to develop multiple talents-and the curse of madness.

Plagued by hallucinations and nightmares, notorious crime lord Griffin Winters is convinced he has been struck with the Winters Curse. But even has he arranges a meeting with the mysterious woman Adelaide Pyne, he has no idea how closely their fates are bound, for she holds the missing lamp in her possession.

But their dangerous psychic experiment makes them the target of forces both inside and outside of the Arcane Society. And though desire strengthens their power, their different lives will keep them apart-if death doesn't take them together.
Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #966 in Books
Published on: 2010-04-20
Released on: 2010-04-20
Original language: English
Number of items: 1
Binding: Hardcover
352 pages
Editorial Reviews

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Bestseller Jayne Ann Krentz, writing under her historical fantasy nom de plume, turns in a top-notch performance in the second Dreamlight novel. Crime lord Griffin Winters rules a vast underworld empire in Victorian London, but he fears the descent of a familial curse of madness brought on by an ancestor's alchemical experiments. Only a powerful magical artifact, controlled by a woman of rare power, can save him. Magically gifted orphan Adelaide Pyne, recently embarked on a crusade to save women from prostitution, could be that woman, and a psychic connection soon draws Adelaide and Griffin into a dangerous partnership. Fast-paced and cleverly constructed, the tale perfectly balances lively adventure, passionate romance, and the paranormal against an elaborate and refreshingly original background. Arcane Society fans will be thrilled, and new readers will find this stand-alone story very accessible. (Apr.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist
If Griffin Winters, one of London’s most powerful crime lords, wasn’t already going mad, annoying social reformer Adelaide Pyne would certainly drive him crazy. Unfortunately for him, she possesses both the Burning Lamp and the ability to work its dreamlight energy. So if there is any hope of avoiding the “Winter’s curse,” he needs to cut a deal, and the sooner the better. Griffin has already achieved the second of his paranormal gifts, and with the arrival of his third talent comes total descent into madness. But he isn’t the only one who wants the Burning Lamp, and if he doesn’t find a way to convince the infuriatingly stubborn Adelaide that they need to join forces, both of them could end up dead. A gifted literary alchemist, Quick (Jayne Ann Krentz) continues to perfect her unique recipe for romance in the second installment in her captivating Dreamlight trilogy (Fired Up, 2010) by deftly matching a delightfully sharp-witted and sharp-tongued heroine with a deliciously dark and sexy hero. Quick neatly tempers her paranormal-flavored, danger-infused plot with just the right dash of acerbic humor, and the result is another 24-karat read from one of the genre’s best. --John Charles

About the Author
Amanda Quick is a pseudonym for Jayne Ann Krentz, the author, under various pen names, of more than fifty New York Times bestsellers; there are more than 35 million copies of her books in print. She lives in Seattle.

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